All-on-4® & Trefoil™
All-on-4® & Trefoil™
If your teeth are not restorable, as a result of severe gum disease, extensive decay or trauma resulting in the need to remove all your teeth in an arch, or if you have complete dentures you can no longer tolerate, a full arch implant retained bridge is one of the most successful permanent solutions. (All-on-4®)
When replacing a full arch of teeth with an implant retained bridge, the All-on-4® protocol may be implemented, allowing the replacement of the teeth in a two day period. The All-on-4® technique is a highly successful treatment method where four implants are used to support a full arch of teeth. The placement of the implants is done under general anaesthesia and the bridge is fitted the next day in our West Perth rooms. The two front implants are placed straight and the two back implants are angled in order to provide increased support in the back of the mouth and this often can avoid the need for grafting. This technique is suitable for almost all lower arch reconstructions and some upper arch reconstructions. All-on-4®
A diagnostic work up is carried out prior to having the procedure done to allow our technician to get started on the construction of the bridge before finalising it based on the impressions taken at the time of surgery. This bridge is designed to be a long term provisional bridge, it is made from acrylic with composite resin teeth and reinforced with a milled titanium bar. These bridges can last several years. Over time, this bridge may wear down or fracture, particularly if you have a strong bite or are prone to clenching or grinding your teeth. Construction of a stronger, titanium based permanent bridge will be required if the strength and function of the provisional bridge is no longer sufficient.
As the bridge is fixed, you cannot remove it to clean around the implant abutments or the bridge itself. Once there has been sufficient healing post operatively, approximately six weeks after the surgery, an appointment will be arranged with our hygiene department to show you the technique for cleaning under your bridge and how to maintain a high level of oral hygiene.
The Brånemark Center has been providing All-on-4® treatment for the rehabilitation of the lower jaw for the past twenty five years. Clin A/Prof Glen Liddelow has been in the research team with Nobel Biocare Switzerland and a team of international investigators led by Dr Kenji Higuchi in the development of a new method for providing a fixed rehabilitation for the lower jaw that would be both faster and cheaper. This involves using a pre-manufactured framework on three larger implants (Trefoil™) so that the customisation and higher component costs could be substantially less.
All the clinicians at the Brånemark Center have been involved in an international multi-center trial since 2016. The results have been outstanding with 100% success over the years at our clinic.
Whilst this development is exciting and provides another treatment modality for a greater number of patient in this predicament, it currently is applicable to around 80% of the population that have the required jaw volume and shape. A more customised solution, such as All-on-4® is applicable, at our centre, to around 99% of the population.